HOPE: Higher Opportunities and Potential through Education

Mission Statement

Reduce vulnerability and increase opportunities and potential for resettlement for refugees through higher education.


To provide the opportunities for refugee to get a recognized qualification in higher education
To offer quality programs that:
Maintain high academic standards and transferable to other institutions
Focus on competencies and skills required for success in immigration and resettlement in third countries
Are designed around open educational resources



HOPE is based on the belief that education at a minimal cost is a basic right for all refugees. The project works to open the gates of higher education to qualified students anywhere in the world by offering its programs through distance learning and local hand-on training.


HOPE creates a global community by making its academic programs, educational services, and employment opportunities available to refugees from all over the world, and by providing learning opportunities that engage students and faculty from diverse backgrounds.


HOPE expects all students, faculty, staff, and administrators to uphold the highest standards of personal integrity, honesty and responsibility. Additionally, the University expects its students to take responsibility for their education, and to pursue their studies diligently and with seriousness of purpose.


HOPE provides a high-quality, hybrid education suitable in scope and depth to the challenges of the refugee immigration and resettlement.



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